What is Fruzen?

FRUZEN is an innovative instant smoothie made from fresh fruits and no added sugar or preservatives that can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere. Made with convenience in mind, FRUZEN is suitable for those looking for a quick breakfast alternative, an energy boost as well as a guilt-free drink or snack. Enjoy it as a smoothie, a smoothie bowl or eat it as a popsicle!
Why Fruzen?
Easy to Make
Customized for You
Easy to Store
Frequently Asked Questions
How many sticks do you get in a pouch?
Each pouch comes with 4 sticks (1-2 servings!)
What are the ways to enjoy fruzen?
You can make it into a smoothie drink, smoothie bowl, or even eat it straight away as a popsicle.
When is the expiry date?
Its best to enjoy within 2 weeks after purchase, but it has a shelf life of 1 month.
How to make fruzen?
The video tutorial is on our home page. Check it out! 😆
Contact Us
Perumahan Edison Blok Barat 2 Nomor 7, Medang, Kec. Pagedangan, Kab. Tangerang, Banten 15334
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+62818190203 (Adella Carmelitha H.)
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